Wednesday Words: Just a Minute

It’s tough to get back into the habit of things. I’m still debating the whole blogging 5-7 days a week thing and if so, what to blog about about, which is why this is a bit late. Back in the ol’ days, I’d write and schedule a blog the day before with a set time to go live. It is especially so when you are rusty when it comes to updating the website/coding stuff and you keep deleting text by mistake and there’s no way to recover it. I’ve about hit my frustration level. This is my last attempt…

Anyway….It’s Wednesday and wrote words last week–249 random words about a random character in a random situation. They were based on the #ThursdayThreads flash fiction prompt of *Only one minute remained.* The prompt rattled around in my brain for most of the day and then late in the day I finally sat down at the desktop and doodled out words. I almost didn’t post them but decided why not. They were words and they sort of told a story. Luckily, last week’s judge agreed and awarded me an honorable mention. I took it thankfully! So here they are, just intime for Wednesday Words. Buckle up, buttercups….

She did not want to be here. In fact, this whole situation was so far above her pay grade that she was within seconds of hyperventilating. To bad that wouldn’t help. Neither would running screaming from the room but it was a thought. A good one, to her mind.

A voice whispered in her ear. “You got this.”

“Nuh uh,” she mumbled. She so did not have this. Too bad, so sad, she was in too deep. A giggle, far too close to hysteria for comfort, bubbled up in her throat. Using a great deal of self-control, she choked it back. This was not the time nor the place to lose it.

“What were you thinking?…Oh, wait, you weren’t.” Had she said those words out loud. She glanced around from beneath lowered lashes that felt heavy and cumbersome. She rolled her head on her neck and then rolled her shoulders to ease the tension that had built up. Off in the distance, the strains of a familiar instrumental echoed. The scene from the Wizard of Oz where the witch’s guards marched and chanted shot into in her mind and almost unleashed that hysterical giggle again. She flashed on the close-up of the Cowardly Lion swatting at his tail as it twitched out from under the long uniform coat.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, she gulped. Only one minute remained.

She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. This would all be over in… She counted down in her head. Five. Four. Three. Two….


I have my suspicions of that this scene is about–like one of two things–but I’m curious about your thoughts. What do you think is going on? And, asl always, writers, feel free to take the prompt and run with it. All, PLEASE share your thoughts with me–about the character, what’s happening around her, anything that comes to mind. Happy Hump Day.

About Silver James

I like walks on the wild side and coffee. Lots of coffee. Warning: My Muse runs with scissors. Author of several award-winning series--Moonstruck, Nightriders MC, The Penumbra Papers, and Red Dirt Royalty (Harlequin Desire) & other books! Purveyor of magic, mystery, mayhem and romance. Lots and lots of romance.
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8 Responses to Wednesday Words: Just a Minute

  1. besanderson says:

    Ooo, I like it! I have ideas. I’ll email them over.

    • Silver James says:

      I’m hoping the prompt will give you ideas too. 😉 I’m not too concerned about developing this character or story, just interested in where others go with it. LOL I’ll watch my inbox.

  2. Dawn says:

    Hey…so glad I work my charting on word and can control z to undelete erased by mistake lines of notes.

    So this young lady happened on a conversation in a picture she took which made her spider sense spin .The people in the picture should not have been conversing together since one was widely reported in the News of being present at a summit across the globe. In taking the pictures in the garden, she heard a few phrases leading her to to be in the situation where she was ….sounds like a Cajun wolf rescue senerio 😉

    have awesome day

  3. Kathy B says:

    Hi Silver, glad you are doing better, missed your fun blogs!! Here is a thought about what you wrote. God bless.

    The woman saves the life of the Russian Nightrider MC President. Then she is threatened by the man/gang that wants him gone. They want information on the Knightriders they think she knows. The woman has a certain time line to get back to the gang and it’s almost up. She doesn’t know what to do and is terrified. The Russian owes her his life and will do anything to help her. Through this process, he realizes the woman is his mate. She gets through the hardened walls around his heart and he finally let’s love in. ❤️


    • Silver James says:

      🤔 That’s and intriguin scenario and might could work somewhere, just not for the Russian. He has a mate. He doesn’t know it yet and neither does she but yeah, I know who she is and yes, she has made an appearance in one of the books. *bwahahaha* 😉

      P.S. I’ll put my two scenarios in tomorrow’s blog for whoever might be interested…

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