Secondary Characters of Penumbra

Chi McBride BOSTON PUBLICFBI Director George Bailey was appointed by President Rhys Wynne when the former director and a whole slew of veteran agents all retired in the wake of the Veil ripping. He doesn’t take shit from anyone and that includes his favorite agent, Sade Marquis.

Pres. Rhys WynnePresident Rhys Wynne was a year into his first term when the Veil ripped and he was “outed” as an elf to a stunned public. He’d been elected by a record 74% of the popular vote and 95% of the electoral college. He’s determined to do what’s right for humans and magicks alike.

ThisIsAliceCooperLHuntMeet Alice Cooper. She single-handedly keeps Director Bailey on track. Sade swears Alice has witch blood because the woman is almost prescient. Is there more to the diminutive administrative assistant than her ability to anticipate the Director’s orders, the need for coffee, and untangling travel agendas?

SamElliot-Romulus JonesSay hello to Romulus Jones, Alpha of the Jones Clan of werewolves. He’s Caleb’s pack leader and has long sworn allegiance to Mathias DeVries. He’s known Sade since she was a baby and has long been able to track her scent. He’ll be the first to tell you that the kid’s diapers were unforgettable. (It’s a long story. Buy him a drink and he’ll tell you about it. 😉 )

Crevan profilePlease welcome Crevan, the leader of the Gargoyle Sentinels, in his human guise. He is one of the oldest creatures alive, his honorific is Le Vielle, the Old One. He would prefer not to meddle in the lives of mundanes but when magical evil is afoot, he doesn’t have much choice. He is the original founder of the Sentinels, meaning he gathered all the gargoyles into clans and then recruited the best to watch over magicks and mundanes alike.

Stavros-watch dragonThis is Stavros. He is a dragon. In fact, he is one of Nikos Constantine’s most trusted lieutenants. He’s not a fan of humans in general and one mundane in particular–Sade Marquis. His loyalty to the Kholikikos Clan is unquestioned and he is a stalwart guard for Nikos. Not that the Drakon needs guarding.

ERBurrows-kcoatesFor every good hero, or heroine because, you know, Sade kicks some major magical ass, there has to be a bad guy. Or guys. They do tend to hang out together.

Once upon a time, Special Agent Edgar R. Burrows was the Agent In Charge of the New Orleans Field Office. Sade’s knocked heads with him on more than one occasion. Following a demotion, which he blames on Sade, he’s now in the Chicago office of the FBI.


Detective Richard Kowalski of the Chicago Police Department Homicide Division has a burr under his saddle named Sade Marquis. Murder is his game and he doesn’t need or want a Fed to tell him he’s screwed up the case. He was in on the bust when Kristian St. John was arrested for the murder of Cecelia Adams.

Hannibal CrowleyEugenia CrowleyHannibal Crowley and his daughter, Eugenia, were litigants in a landmark Supreme Court case dealing with witchcraft. Today, he’s a self-proclaimed high priest and she’s been groomed for a very special place in his scheme of things. Engaged to US Senator Alex McMahon, she’s been raised to be a witch.