Thursday Thoughts: Baby Steps

Besides continuing to heal and regain my strength and stamina, I’m working to get back to the one thing that has sustained me since…well, forever. I started reading at a very young age (around 3) and while I loved the stories, I was never quite satisfied. One, I wanted to be in the story and two, the story never went quite the way I wanted it to. Therefore, being the weirdo I was and am, I made up my versions of the stories and then started writing my own. It’s been six months and I miss it.

Where am I going with this you ask? Welpers, since I’m not feeling very creative about trying new bloggy things, I’ll just stick with the tried and true for now. This little gem showed up in my inbox yesterday and what the Universe had to say resonated, given my headspace at the moment.

I still don’t get why people are so surprised that the turtle beat the rabbit over the long run.

Consistent effort, Silver, no matter how small, sparks magic, fills sails, butters bread, turns tides, instills faith, summons friends, improves health, burns calories, creates abundance, yields clarity, builds courage, spins planets, and rewrites destinies.

No matter how small,
The Universe

P.S. All in favor of rewriting destiny, or buttering bread, Silver, say, “I am.”

“I am.” I’m ready for the consistency to spark some magic, fill my sails to turn the tides while I’m buttering my bread (with peanut butter, of course!) because I’m ready for friends, health, good weight, abudnance, clarity, courage and rewriting the dang book! So there it is. I hope the message resonates with you too. The one question not answered is, crunchy or smooth? Also, happy Midsummer’s Day, which weirds me out because technically, it’s the first day of Summer, ie. the Summer Solstice, which makes this the longes day of the year.

P.S. As mentioned in replies to comments yesterday, I promised to share the scenarios I came up with for yesterday’s snippet: 1) She’s a bomb tech, or 2) She’s getting ready to walk down the aisle to marry a man she’s never met… *cues the dastardly laughter*

About Silver James

I like walks on the wild side and coffee. Lots of coffee. Warning: My Muse runs with scissors. Author of several award-winning series--Moonstruck, Nightriders MC, The Penumbra Papers, and Red Dirt Royalty (Harlequin Desire) & other books! Purveyor of magic, mystery, mayhem and romance. Lots and lots of romance.
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6 Responses to Thursday Thoughts: Baby Steps

  1. besanderson says:

    Yay for notes from the Universe! Yay also for working toward getting back to being yourself again. You and me both. I love your scenarios! I also love the fact that new ideas are bubbling up – in your head and in mine. We’re on our way! :muppetflail:

    And to answer your question… smooth.

  2. jovialvampyre says:

    The Universe dropped a message. I love it and must keep it in my mind too. A little consistent effort will get us there.

    Smooth :).

  3. Risë Taylor says:

    Dear Silver,

    It is “Midsummer’s Eve” here in Scandinavia, a true blend of heathen and Christian beliefs and traditions.

    I prefer to enjoy the bonfires in the midsummer dusk (never truly dark here now), and send you healing thoughts with the smoke rising in curls.

    In Denmark, it is said the witches fly tonight to Bloksbjerg in Germany (I am ignoring the historical background right now). I hope your ills will also be sent off to Bloksbjerg!

    Holding you in my thoughts

    Risë Taylor

    • Silver James says:

      Risë, thank you for the good thoughts and what awesome mythology, even the witches. 🙂 One of my favorite Shakespearian plays is “Midsummer’s Night Dream.” Also, as much as I whine about Daylight Savings Time, I can’t imagine where summer nights are mostly daylight and winter days are mostly night. Wow…

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