Friday Free-For-All: Oops

Edit: Oops. I had this all ready to go and then forget to check the posting time, which should have been 6:00 am. Uhm…it was 6 pm so a little late but that’s okay because…breaking news!

And the breaking news is that OKC is going to be an Olympic city! In 2028. The main Olympics will be in LA but the softball and “river sports” (kayaking and canoe) will be here in central Oklahoma. As a self-proclaimed softball nerd, I am thrilled!

Okay, to the other things that were floating around in my head, which is a very weird place to be. Trust me on that…

It’s weird trying to gain weight but not in fat (muscles is better) and not too much. My new favorite mid-morning breakfast insert is crunchy peanutbutter and grape jelly toast. I do a 30 gram vanilla protein shake early in the morning. Lunch is food. Mid-afternoon snack may or may not happen, and then there’s dinner which is also…food. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I received a challenge–do 20 push-ups every day for 20 days.* I blocked that person. 🤣

Don’t believe what you see in the cartoons. No matter how hard you throw a toilet plunger, it won’t actually stick to someone’s face. Don’t ask me how I knoow this…

Speaking of gaining weight, I’m doing crunches twice a day now. Captain in the morning, Nestle’s in the afternoon…

I have finally figured out why people call me a grown up…It’s because I groan every time I get up!

And final thought, my favorite childhood memory is having energy.

Have a great weekend all! TGIF!

*I stole that from a post in a different social media app because it made me laugh.

About Silver James

I like walks on the wild side and coffee. Lots of coffee. Warning: My Muse runs with scissors. Author of several award-winning series--Moonstruck, Nightriders MC, The Penumbra Papers, and Red Dirt Royalty (Harlequin Desire) & other books! Purveyor of magic, mystery, mayhem and romance. Lots and lots of romance.
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2 Responses to Friday Free-For-All: Oops

  1. jovialvampyre says:

    Well, you made me laugh. Thank you!

    I’m an exercise nut. Always have been and my best suggestion to you to build the butt are back leg lifts and pushes. Get down on all fours and straighten one leg out behind you and lift it up and down as much as you can. Then switch legs. Same sort of thing with the pushes only your knee is bent so you push your foot up toward the ceiling. You’ll really feel it but it works.

    Have a fantastic weekend!

    • Silver James says:

      You’re welcome. We all need that laugh more often than not.

      Thanks for the exercise advice! I just wish my knees would let me get down on all fours. LOL Well, technically, I can get down but then the knees start screaming and I start screaming, “Help! I can’t get up!” 🤣 Maybe I can figure out a way to modify that… 🤔

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