Monday Meanderings

I love the expression on this pup’s face. Just sayin’…

Baby, it’s hot out there. You folks east of here have really been sweltering considering what y’all think of as normal. Around here, that’s just July. But yeah, it’s hot here now too. I should be used to it, having grown up here and being old enough to remember the days before central air conditioning. We had swamp coolers (google it) and would hang wet sheets in front of open windows for a makeshift air-cooled system. You can also put ice and water in a bowl in front of a fan. That helps too.

There was a week and a weekend. Some stuff happened. Nothing big or exciting. I did write 250 new words that will fit into the WIP when I get to the right spot. Reading it to refresh my memory is a tedious process–not because I think the book is bad but because I can only read for a limited amount of time before my eyes get watery and I can’t see a thing. This is why I almost exclusively listen to audio books.

Speaking of book listening, I’m slowly creeping up on my Goodreads challenge. I knocked my goal down to 50, considering I did two whole books in the first six months of the year. and I’m still slow on listening. I’m currently doing an abbreviated relisten to Nalini Singh’s Guildhunter series. The latest addition released last week and rather than going back to listen to all 15 previous books, I just dropped back to #14. I finished #15 yesterday and I’ll start on ARCHANGEL’S LINEAGE at some point today.

LG and I were going to make a Wallyworld run yesterday and take Jake. He’s not quite ready to turn me loose on my own in Walmart yet. LG, not Jake. Then stuff happened and then it got too hot and then LG decided he’d make a solo run and just grab the absolute necessities. We’ll make another stab at a duo run at some point this week. Evidently, our store has been completely reset and he doesn’t want me to get lost. 🤣 This time of year I always go early in the morning before the pavement gets hot enough to burn Jake’s paw pads and before there’s a lot of people in the store.

Looking ahead, Stormy has a soccer “tournament” with his new team on July 6th. If it’s not scorching hot, I plan on going. Walking from the truck to the field may take me awhile but I need to get the steps in to further my journel on the road to recovery. Evidently, this is like a 3 on 3 deal. Not sure how that works in soccer but he’s had such a good time at all his soccer camps this summer that I’d love to see him play.

On that note, time for me to meander off and get started on my day. There are words to read, typos to fix–you know, witerly-type stuffs. FYI, I’m not really doing a deep-dive edit. I truly am reading the manuscript to refresh my memory but when a typo pops up, my inner editor refuses to pass by without fixing it. That’s my world at the moment. What’s going on in yours?

About Silver James

I like walks on the wild side and coffee. Lots of coffee. Warning: My Muse runs with scissors. Author of several award-winning series--Moonstruck, Nightriders MC, The Penumbra Papers, and Red Dirt Royalty (Harlequin Desire) & other books! Purveyor of magic, mystery, mayhem and romance. Lots and lots of romance.
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4 Responses to Monday Meanderings

  1. besanderson says:

    Ugh, the heat. Thank goodness for central air. Except when I need a smoke and then go out to the smoking room, which isn’t HVAC capable, and bake. Yay for new words! And yay for good books! Yay for LG making the Wallyworld run. Yay for Stormy and soccer. And a final yay for getting back to writerly type stuff.

    My world… Well, I woke up this morning NOT thinking about work, which is progress. I have some outside things I need to get done before it gets too hot, so for like the next hour or so. I need to put down some new words today at some point. I probably should hit the next stop on my cleaning regimen… except I’m not sure what that’ll be. Oh, and I need to come up with a blog post. All in all, pretty tame here. Yay.

    • Silver James says:

      Yay for not thinking about work! That’s gotta be good for the ol’ mental health. Yay for tame! Good luck with the yard stuffs. Hydrate and don’t overheat! 🤞🏼 for new words. Still working on Duke? Cleaning? What is this chore of which you speak? 😉

  2. jovialvampyre says:

    It has been very hot and super humid for over a week but today the humidity lifted and the temp is at 80. So much better.

    I was really feeling sorry for the birds and wildlife. With all the heat and no rain they were parched. We finally had downpours on Sat.

    All of your cooling tricks we used when I was a kid too. No one had central air and I only knew one family with a window unit. Like you said, it was summer. Summer is hot and nasty.

    Your doing great with writing and reading. Smart to cut your goal back. I had to do that when hubs started down his current path. I rarely get time to read and when I do, I fall asleep. It’s a bummer.

    My Wally trips are always in the morning too. I don’t like going when it’s crowded either.

    I hope it’s nice and you get to go to Stormy’s games.

    My weekend was dealing with hubs. Trying to get him to do a WILL and POAs. He’s always been opposed. The youngest and I did them ourselves via forms from the library. I just have to get hubs to sign them with a Notary and witnesses. It’s set for Wednesday AM.

    Stay in and stay cool.

    • Silver James says:

      Good luck with the notary. I know it is so tough on you to deal with the situation. Heartbreaking and frustrating at the same time. Have you considered audio books? I was convinced I’d hate them but my eyesight was getting so bad at the time I could only read for 5 or 10 minutes at a time. I finally did the free trial on Audible and downloaded a favorite book. I found out I actually enjoyed the narration. Now I listen in the car when running errands, when doing chores around the house and often during commercials of shows I’m watching on TV. LOL

      Thanks for the encouragement. I truly hope to have a new book out in August. *knocks wood* Stay out of the heat! 🤗

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