Thursday Thoughts: Universal Puzzle

So…yesterday happened. And then I couldn’t get inspired. I have lots of notes of the Universe in my files but nothing jumped out at me this morning. And yes, I normally set up the day before so the post goes live at 6 a.m. my time. When thee was nothing I wanted to muse over, I decided I just wouldn’t post today. Then, because yesterday happened, I didn’t get around to my inbox until a few minutes ago. And lo and behold, I discovered this little gem hiding there between a FB notice and a newsletter from an author. The light bulb went on and I realized this is a pretty darn good explanation of the differences between a Plotter and a Pantser. For non-writers, those are terms applied to a writer’s process. Plotters do just that–they plot out their entire story using whatever method, be it outlines, storyboard, etc. Pantser write by the seat of their pants. They just start writing and see where the story takes them.

Picture if you will, Silver, the disciplinarian who micromanages every step in their careful dance with life. And then picture the hooligan whose only disciplines are daydreaming and showing up.

Who do you think is most likely to be heard whoo-hooing from the top of their lungs as they cruise along on some winding mountain road, top down, shades up, singing “I Did It My Way?”


The Universe

P.S. Love your singing voice, Silver… and your legendary rebel yell.

And then there’s me (and a few others) who are doing it 🎵My-iiiii waaaay!🎵 I’m a Puzzler. I frame out the story (putting all the straight-edged pieces together) and then fill in the middle with scenes that may or may not be written in order. I pretty much drive everyone crazy but it works for me. And speaking of, I finally have my computer set up so I can read the WIP easier and I will be ready to start adding new words come July 1st. Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo! Writers, this is a take on Na-No-Wri-Mo (National Novel Writing Month where you attempt to write 50K words during the month of November). BE, my writing sister, and I are both striving to get back into writing mode so we’re dedicating the month July to getting new words. They only goal is to write every day. Feel free to join us. We’ll be holding each other accountable. Writers, the bonus for you is new books sooner than later!

So there ya go. I got inspire after all, managed a blog on craft, and now I just need to pose a question so people drop a comment. 🤔 Hrmmm. What are you doing your way today?

About Silver James

I like walks on the wild side and coffee. Lots of coffee. Warning: My Muse runs with scissors. Author of several award-winning series--Moonstruck, Nightriders MC, The Penumbra Papers, and Red Dirt Royalty (Harlequin Desire) & other books! Purveyor of magic, mystery, mayhem and romance. Lots and lots of romance.
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4 Responses to Thursday Thoughts: Universal Puzzle

  1. jovialvampyre says:

    Unfortunately, not much my way today. I tried to get hubs brain MRI today. I was shocked that he didn’t put up too much fight to go but he couldn’t do the tube. So instead of going nuts, I bit my tongue and took him out to lunch.

    I think it’s really cool that you are puzzler. Most authors I have known were either plotters or pantsers.

    Have a wonderful afternoon!

    • Silver James says:

      Sorry about the glitch with hubs. A lot of people don’t like the tube. 😦 I started as a…I guess a pantser. I’d get an idea, work out the main characters, give them names and then sit down to write and was always surprised by what happened. Over the 50 years I’ve been serious about it, I’ve refined things. Now I like more framework–worldbuilding and research done on the basic idea, along with a hint of start and finish and characters. Then I just sort of let things write themselves. LOL Hang in there.

  2. besanderson says:

    I love your way!

    And I am so ready for Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo! Let’s do this! And anyone who wants to join in? The more the merrier. All you have to do it write something every day. Hell, it doesn’t even have to be on the same WIP. No expectations. No pressure. No editing. Just writing for the sake of writing. Woohoo. =o)

    I’m doing everything my way these days. Lucky for Hubs, my way and his way are mostly the same way (and where we diverge… we stay out of each other’s ways.) ;o)

    • Silver James says:

      You and Hubs are a good pair. I’m ready, though there will be editing involved because I’m already 105K words into this puppy and I’m hoping for an August release! But yeah, writing work EVERY day! And totally the more the merrier!

      *joins in in a chorus of “My Way”*

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