Thursday Thoughts: Universal Working Speed

universe When this little gem dropped into my inbox, I was tempted to laugh. I am working slow because I’m easily distracted but I totally blame the Magic Bean Sprout for that. He’s hit the “motorboat chasing dolphins” stage–making motorboat noises followed by dolphin-like screeches. When he sleeps, I work. Sometimes I can work through the noise but I’m at the very end of this WIP. The scenes are emotionally…delicate. They have to be nuanced just so and any distraction pulls me out of the correct headspace. Even so, I love the little dickens. So…in the words of the Universe:

Should you ever hear that voice inside exclaim that you’re working too slow, are too easily distracted, or that you should take life more seriously, please rest assured, dearest Silver, that it absolutely, positively is not me.

I’m the one saying, “You totally rock!” –
The Universe
© ®

We’re still trying to figure out how you get dressed so quickly in the morning, Silver.

That’s not to say that I won’t be doing a happy dance when Only and Baseball Boy get off the waiting list and Sprout is in day care. I’ll miss him, but I’ll be happy dancing. 😉

So what’s your voice saying?

About Silver James

I like walks on the wild side and coffee. Lots of coffee. Warning: My Muse runs with scissors. Author of several award-winning series--Moonstruck, Nightriders MC, The Penumbra Papers, and Red Dirt Royalty (Harlequin Desire) & other books! Purveyor of magic, mystery, mayhem and romance. Lots and lots of romance.
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8 Responses to Thursday Thoughts: Universal Working Speed

  1. My voice is saying ‘sure, 3K yesterday was good, but why not 4K?’ and ‘the deadline is approaching’ and ‘why haven’t you started proofreading WIOH yet?’ I mostly ignore the voice because it’s obviously power-mad and I can only do what I can do.

    I still can’t imagine trying to work with a baby around. The kid was 10 when I started writing, and even then, I had to squeeze work in when she was sleeping because sometimes ‘hang on a minute, I’m writing’ isn’t practical.

    And the Universe is right. You totally rock. =o)

    • Silver James says:

      I’m learning to adapt. I wish I could dictate with some coherence. I can’t “write” that way though. I cram work in when he’s asleep. I also am getting up earlier–like between 5 and 5:30 to write before he arrives at 7:15.

      You need to shut down that voice in your head, B.E. Or change the conversation. Very interesting take on that in Thea Harrison’s new Elder Races book. Which totally rocked!

      And thank you. My voice is saying I don’t rock anything but the boat. 🙄

  2. Ashlynn says:

    Yes, I can’t imagine how hard it is with a baby around. Even one you adore. I have a hard time with an almost 19yr old and 16 yr old around. 😛 And I agree with B.E. You totally rock!!

    I got in just over 1k words yesterday and about 4 pages edited. My head just wasn’t in it, and I sorta kinda hit a wall in my WIP. Oh and 1LineWed had me distracted too. Freakin’ squirrels! Ha!

    Keep on, keeping’ on!

    • Silver James says:

      I have to admit, I’ve become very set in my writing ways and this whole thing of having to adapt to a new routine sucks. But this too shall pass. In the meantime, I get to spend time with a darling baby boy.

      Yeah, I get distracted on Wednesdays, too. 😆 As for your WIP, maybe you need to paly a little “What if?” Look for a window in that wall and describe what’s going on outside it. Now, what happens when your H/H run into each other out there. Or have a fight out there. Or kiss. Or walk away without seeing each other…

      Squirrels? Oh yeah! All the freaking time. LOLOL

  3. Janet says:

    Going to chime in with a ‘you totally rock’ fist pump, too! ‘Cause you do! Wow, working with a baby in the house – I’m distracted by basically nothing, couldn’t imagine the distraction a baby would have! Good for you for ‘grand’baby sitting – there’s a reason the human race is meant to have babies in their early 20s – and for continuing to write. But as the Universe says, don’t miss out on life’s distractions 🙂

    My voice – after reading all your efforts (and B.E.’s and Ashlynn’s) – telling me I’m a slacker! I have stuck my fingers in my ears and am ‘lalalalalala’ing to drown out that whiner!

    • Silver James says:

      JANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cling* Welcome back!!!!! Uhm…we missed you around here. Just a little bit. 😉

      While it was wonderful for Baseball Boy to work PT so he could be home M-F in the day with MSB, he REALLY needed a FT job. He’d gotten his alternative teaching certificate in June and after several interviews, he ended up getting a call sort of out of the blue. He’d interviewed at the high school and was 1 of 2 finalists, but the other guy got the position. Two days later, the intermediate school principal called him. He interviewed on a Tuesday, started work on that Thursday. No time to find day care and because of the time of year, there are waiting lists at all the good ones. This to shall pass. Maybe. 😛

      In the meantime, welcome back! And you know, you aren’t a slacker! But you definitely need to shut Internal Editor up. Just sayin’… 😉

  4. Liza says:

    You totally rock! MBS won’t be little forever. I know he is making you change your schedule, but know you love having him.

    Sorry I’ve missed stopping by this week. Co-worker is in Europe right now and today is the first day I’ve had a minute to stop by. BTW you totally rock!

    • Silver James says:

      Wow…I must totally rock! 😉 Thanks, Liza. And I figured work had you snockered. Or something. Now that I’ve figuratively typed The End, I’m more inclined not to worry about the shift in schedule but once this book is out and I start on the next one, I’ll be back in panic mode. I’m old. And set in my ways. And a total curmudgeon. *nods*

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