Monday Reset

Are you ever tempted to just hit the factory reset button so you can erase everything and start over? Yeah, me too. Working on my optimism, I’m hoping this will be a tuna day. It’s starting off with a visit to my PC doc. I suspect she will fuss at me for not following up with a colonescopy and mammogram but trust me, I have my reasons! This appointment will also give me an opportunity to follow up about my shortness of breath, especially when bending over, and whether or not I can start donating blood again. During and after the surgeries, my blood chemistry was so messed up and my veins had been pricked to the point a bunch of them had collapsed. Still, people need blood and I was a dutiful donor every 8 weeks. Besides, I’m so skinny now I need some smaller sized free donor shirts to add to my tiny wardrobe of clothes that fit. πŸ˜‰

In other news, had I previous mentioned that my driver’s license expired? I can remember going to get it renewed that last time and it seems like it was only a year ago, but evidently, it was way longer than that because I think that license was a four year. Luckily, I’ve only driven twice between it expiring and LG discovering it had expired. (He needed my DL number for a form and he noticed. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ) I decided to get a Real ID, not that I’m planning on flying anywhere (and regular ID is good until like October) but better to be prepared. Around here, you have to make an appointment, so we had to wait like two weeks. Anyway, I went last week, and now I’m waiting for the new one to come in the mail. It was actually a fun outing and the gal who did the paperwork was a hoot. Becaue I’m older than dirt, my license is free so she upgraded me to an eight-year renewal. I need to tattoo that to my forehead or something. πŸ™„ In the meantime, I have a paper temporary so I can drive legally and I’ll be able to vote tomorrow in our primary. Yay. And yes, I am a strong proponent of having to show a photo ID to prove who I am when voting.

I have a few soapboxes but I try very hard not to stand up on one and rant. My opinions are my own. Half the population will agree with me, the other half will not. C’est la vie.

I’ve finally gotten back into listening to books. I’m still way behind on my Goodreads challenge for the year but I keep inching closer. It helps that there have new releases in some favorite series and I’ve jumped back a few books to refresh my memory. For SciFi/Paranormal fans, Jayne Castle’s Harmony series is fun and if I thought Jake, Loki and Pete would get along with one, I’d love to have a dust bunny. IThe new release is PEOPLE IN GLASS HOUSES. For shifter/fated mates fans, Dannika Dark’s Black Arrowhead Pack series is one I’m enjoying. It’s a spin off from her Seven series and set in her overall Breed world. I have a JD Robb In Death and a Nalini Singh Archangle books on the TBR pile when I finish THE THIEF, which is the latest in Dark’s series and my current listen.

Getting back into “desk shape” has been an adventure. Sitting too long wrecks havoc on my arse, my legs and my back. I have no padding on the first, even with a foam pillow. The other body parts get stiff and achy. I stand up and hobble until things loosen up. I really am trying to get back in shape. My writing sister and I are doing a July challenge to get back to writing shape but the physical shape has got to be there first.

Spearking of writing, I’ve started at the beginning of the Boston Wolves, reading what’s already written. Thankfully, it’s not half bad. I did a flash fiction challege last week–#ThursdayThreads–and managed to score an honorable mention from the judge. Sadly, I have no clue about the character or what actually happened–the scene could be a wedding or a bomb. Yes, I am weird. Why do you ask? 😜

There’s nothing exciting to report in my life. I’ve reclaimed the duty of feeding the cats in the morning so LG can sleep in. I’m awake, thanks to my bladder. I’m slowly retaking the laundry back. We may have a tussle over the grocery store. LOL I used to go once a week. He goes a couple of times a week. I think it gives him an excuse to get out of the house and he’s been know to hit four or five differnt stores looking for stuff where I’d hit one and if what was on the list wasn’t available, I’d grab a substitute or just add it to a future list. He’s very literal with the list and there is nothing wrong with that. Don’t tell him that I get a bit of a giggle from the soft spot he puts in my heart.

I’ll try to be a little more consistent with my blogging. It would help me keep track of the days of the week but life is so…blah at the moment that there’s not much to write about. Add that to a general sense of miasma and lack of creativity…well, I can only whine for so long before y’all get sidk of me. 😁 Nn that note, I leave you with this…

So, dear readers, what kind of day are you having? Is it gonna be tuna or crunchy brown bits?

About Silver James

I like walks on the wild side and coffee. Lots of coffee. Warning: My Muse runs with scissors. Author of several award-winning series--Moonstruck, Nightriders MC, The Penumbra Papers, and Red Dirt Royalty (Harlequin Desire) & other books! Purveyor of magic, mystery, mayhem and romance. Lots and lots of romance.
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4 Responses to Monday Reset

  1. besanderson says:

    Here’s hoping I can actually post this comment this time.

    Yay for getting headed toward ‘back to normal’. You and me both, sister. I hope your doctor appointment goes well and that the shortness of breath thing is only a lack of stamina. After what you went through, I wouldn’t be surprised that it’s taking a while for everything to catch back up again. Maybe she’ll give you some breathing exercises or something. Your soapbox is one of my soapboxes, too. Yay for reading! Yay for writing! I’m getting ready for Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo – a no pressure romp in the words with the only must being write every day (and no ramifications for not writing every day except maybe a wagged finger.) And you aren’t whining. I’ll let ya know if you are. ;o)

    Today, I’m going to have a tuna day. No more crunchy bit days for me. I’m trying to ride the positivity train to happy town.

  2. jovialvampyre says:

    I’m glad the DR appointment went well. and that she is pleased with the progress.

    Did she say anything about the shortness of breath? Being cautious with blood work is smart.

    Getting back into desk shape will take it’s time but you seem to be doing well. Moving about to loosen up is a must.

    I have more than a few soap boxes 🀣.

    Take it slow and steady☺️.

    • Silver James says:

      Just call me “Tortoise.” LOLOL My lungs are clear even though it seems like they’d be the source of my shortness of breath. She thinks it might be red blood cells not carrying enough oxygen and she’s also a bit concerned about liver and/or kidney function when it comes to the weight thing. We’ll see what she says once she’s had a chance to look over the pathology. πŸ™‚ Psst. I suspect we have some of the same soapboxes. πŸ˜‰

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