Thursday Thoughts: Universal Pantser

Once upon a time, there were Plotters and Pantsers. The two peoples maintained a civil discourse but neither side truly understood the other. Then one day, in true Romeo and Juliet tradition, a Pantser and a Plotter sat down over coffee and discussed in complete honesty how their writing processes worked. An outsider occupied the next table and pretended not to listen but while eavesdropping, she discerned that she was a species altogether different–a melding of the Plotters, with their arcs and outlines and scene-by-scene linear writing, and the Pantsers, with their make-stuff-up as it happens free spirit. Lo and behold, she was a Puzzler, with a framework of story, of scenes that seemed to appear from the vast cosmic void of her Muse’s imagination, that followed no rhyme or reason but told a story in the end.

And then the Universe said…

Think not of “how,” Silver, whether in terms of logistics, people, or inspiration, but of the end results you dream of. The end, in thought, combined with action in its general direction, will always create the necessary circumstances, serendipities, epiphanies, ideas, and discoveries necessary to bring about the desired manifestation. The hard part is done for you. Your part is the easy part: Think and let go. Knock on every door and turn over every stone. Do not insist upon the path, but upon the overall change you wish to experience, and never take no for an answer.

You’ve been doing it your whole life.

You take after me,
The Universe
© ®

Silver, the end result forces the “hows” that yield the manifestation, just as long as you keep physically moving.

And that’s how stories get told. If you are a writer, what label do you use–if any? And as a reader, do you think you can tell what process the author uses to tell the story you’re reading?

About Silver James

I like walks on the wild side and coffee. Lots of coffee. Warning: My Muse runs with scissors. Author of several award-winning series--Moonstruck, Nightriders MC, The Penumbra Papers, and Red Dirt Royalty (Harlequin Desire) & other books! Purveyor of magic, mystery, mayhem and romance. Lots and lots of romance.
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4 Responses to Thursday Thoughts: Universal Pantser

  1. I usually joke about being a plansterer – a little planning, a little plotting, and a lot of flying by the seat of my pants. This book? It’s pantsing all the way. I have no clue what the hell is going on or what’s going to happen. I’m just letting it all flow down my arms and out my fingertips.

    As a reader? I have no clue what process the writer uses when I’m reading. Unless, of course, I know or follow the writer and they’ve said what their process is. Sometimes I’m surprised and other times I can totally see it. Whatever it takes to get the words on the page, baby.

    • Silver James says:


      Whatever it takes to get the words on the page, baby.

      Labels don’t really matter as long as each writer discovers what works for them and the words flow! 🙂

  2. Kimber Michaela says:

    Panster all the way!!! 😁

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