Friday the First Free-for-all

mobile phone and booksI’d actually thought about starting the new schedule on Monday because…first day of the week, right? But since today is Friday, and with New Year’s falling in the middle of the week–which makes Thursday and Friday sort of a non-week…

Anyway. I keep seeing those Best of the Year lists floating around the internet. Since I started off my Goodreads challenge with a reread of a series I once enjoyed, I got to thinking about rereading series. Also, B.E. and I chatted about this via Facebook, because rereading a favorite book doesn’t count toward the reading challenge. 😛

So…here’s my Top Something List of Series I Reread:

1. In Death/Eve Dallas – JD Robb. This is my favorite series of all time. Period. NAKED IN DEATH, the first book is my “chicken soup” book. Once I’ve read it, I feel almost compelled to reread the whole series. All 30 books. *headdesk*

2. Charley Davidson/Grim Reaper – Darynda Jones. There are only 5 books currently, with a novella. The 6th book releases in May. Yayayayay! Darynda’s Charley is a delight–funny, snarky, determined, and OMG is Reyes hot! Seriously HOT!

3. Allison Brennan. Okay. That’s a writer, not a series, but all of her suspense/thrillers are interrelated and mostly set up as trilogies, but for the Lucy Kincaid books. That’s a series, but all those characters in previous books are still around. This makes me have a happy. 😀 You don’t have to read them in order but yeah. If romantic suspense is your thing and you HAVEN’T read Allison, why the hell not?!? You can find her book list HERE. She’s starting a new series this spring.

4. Cat and Bones series – Jeaniene Frost. I came to this series late, and scrambled to catch up. The last true “Cat and Bones” book comes out this spring. I has a sad. 😦 These are paranormal–Cat is a half-vampire slayer. Bones is the vampire who wins her heart.

5. Jayne Anne Krentz/Jayne Castle/Amanda Quick – again an author. I started with her Harmony series (Castle) and quickly added the Krentz and Quick books that are Arcane Society/Harmony related.

And here’s a quick, off-the-top-of-my-head list of favorite series I’ve read in the past, even if I don’t stay current (except for Jen Lyon’s series. I’m all over it if she publishes more!):
1. The Wing Slayer Hunters – Jennifer Lyon
2. The Neurotic Hitwoman series – JB Lynn
3. Witch World – Andre Norton
4. Dragonriders of Pern – Anne McCaffrey
5. The Sacketts – Louis L’Amour
6. Sherrilyn Kenyon – Darkhunters and just about everything else
7. The Bullet Catchers – Roxanne St. Claire
8. The Highlanders – Karen Marie Moning (I still need to read her Darkfever series)
9. Aisling Grey series (and sub-series) – Katie McAllister (Dragons! Who could resist)
10. Demonica series (and sub-series) – Larissa Ione
11. Joe Leaphorn/Jim Chee Navajo police series – Tony Hillerman

So, what series is on your must buy list? Do you reread books?

About Silver James

I like walks on the wild side and coffee. Lots of coffee. Warning: My Muse runs with scissors. Author of several award-winning series--Moonstruck, Nightriders MC, The Penumbra Papers, and Red Dirt Royalty (Harlequin Desire) & other books! Purveyor of magic, mystery, mayhem and romance. Lots and lots of romance.
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12 Responses to Friday the First Free-for-all

  1. Janet says:

    Thanks for the reminder, I haven’t read Allison Brennan’s works for a while (must add that to my library list). Love Krentz/Castle/Quick! And Moning! And St. Claire! And…well, most of the authors you list here!!

    Yes to series, no to re-reads. Next up on my series reading is the third book in Ariana Franklin’s Mistress of the Art of Death Series 🙂

    • Silver James says:

      I love that our reading habits are so compatible, Janet. Everyone here, in fact. 😀 And now I must also take a look at Ariana Franklin’s books. Mistress of the Art of Death sounds intriguing! I’ve sort of made a pact with myself that I’m going to winnow through the books on my TBR pile–the paper versions. For each ebook I read, I’m going to try to read a paper book so I can clear the decks, as it were. Happy reading!

  2. I don’t have whole series I re-read – just here and there favorites. I was just thinking this morning that I need to re-read books 4-6 of the Xanth series by Piers Anthony. And every couple years I read Elfstones of Shannara (but not the rest of the series).

    Love Allison Brennan (of course). I’m behind on Jeanine Frost, I think. I know I’m caught up on all of Jen Lyon’s, and JB Lynn’s books, and Roxanne’s Bullet Catchers (but not her other stuff… need to remedy that.)

    My must read series: All three series Larry Correia is involved in (Monster Hunters, Grimnoir and Dead Six), Seanan McGuire’s October Daye series, Gini Koch’s Alien series… Oh gods, there are so many more that I don’t want to think about how many I’m behind on. I need to sell a book so I can feed my habit that way it wants to be fed.

    (Btw, Zoe the Kindle needed a hard reboot and seems to be fine now, but I’m not holding my breath.)

    • Silver James says:

      Whew on Zoe’s “quick” fix! Crossing fingers that she’s all better and remains well. Dreamer, my original Kindle still works but for some power cable connection issues. If I get it seated just right, it stays charged. I keep it for reading in the sun. SOOOO much better than Arson, my Fire. 😉 I need to check out Correia’s stuff and I’ve never tried McGuire’s either. So many possibilities! 😀

  3. I don’t usually re-read books…but every once in a while.

    My series have-tos and really just author have-tos….Kenyon, Jen Lyon. Love Moning -you must read her darkfever series. I was really skeptical about it after just LOVING her Highlanders but those are totally awesome books too. You would love them because of the fae element.

    A new author love is Jay Crownover. Contemporary romance with a hard edge. Been reading a lot of contemporaries lately. Some good but unfortunately a lot not good at all. Some I’m pretty sure never had one edit to them. erg.

    • Silver James says:

      Ashlynn, I’ve had DARKFEVER on the Kindle for a long time and just sort of skip over it for some reason. It’s on the list for this year! I’ll have to check out Crownover now. 😀

  4. Pern and Witch World are two I am tweeting quotes from (though I’ve run out of Pern.) Mercedes Lackey has several good series, and I always get Terry Pratchett’s Discworld when a new one comes out.

    • Silver James says:

      Oh! Very cool Sueann. 🙂 I’ve read some of Lackey’s but haven’t read a many. I’ve had several friends enjoy the Discworld books. I’ll have to give Pratchett and looksee one of these days, too. Thanks for dropping by! Hope all is well with you.

  5. Liza says:

    You know I have to re-read Naked in Death at least once a year. I’m actually in the process of buying all the In Death books for my kindle. Still have about 18 to go to have them all in print and digital.

    I’m way behind on Cat and Bones, and even more behind on Allison’s books. Totally caught up on Charley and Reyes tho. Did you see the shorts Darynda posted on FB for Christmas? So hot!

    • Silver James says:

      I did see the shorts! I love how she “told” the same scene from both their viewpoints! Like you, I’m trying to get all the In Death on Kindle as well as print, but additionally, I’m converting over the mass market paperbacks to hardback when available. I have an Allison book I haven’t read yet. Found it on my TBR shelf, realized I didn’t have it in digital, so reading it now. 😆 Cat and Bones comes to an end in…May? I’m hoping she’ll continue in the world, just not with C&B, though I’ll miss them. A lot. 😦

  6. Its past Friday I know =)
    Some series I’ve re read if there is a huge gap between books!
    If I came in the middle of a series– i’m really good at that lately-lol
    In what I have in bookcases and my Kindle my Reread list is:
    Moonstruck– Silver James
    Immortal Guardians– Dianne Duvall
    Lora Leigh- Kickass Seals/Spec Ops
    Also a bunch of Harlequin Intrigue (Spec Ops, Cowboys)
    My mom loved JD Robb, Patricia Cornwall- she started readinga lot after she quit smoking, amazon loved her-so did the estate sale peeps all her books were hardbacks!
    Hope everyone has had a good weekend!

    • Silver James says:

      Awwww, Kimber! That’s so sweet of you. If you still have your Mom’s books, you should try the In Death books. They aren’t for everyone but you might like them. I’ve got a couple of Lora’s books on the shelf to get to. I should check out the Immortal Guardian books, too. So many books, so little time. 😉

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