Monday – The First Day of the Rest of the Week

Monday again babyYes, it’s Monday again. This darn day just keeps showing up whether I turn the calendar page or not. That said, things are not quite as crazy as they have been the past couple of Mondays. Of course, Mr. HEd may not be liking me so much when he opens his inbox today. Yesterday, I sent off the synopsis and first three chapters of Red Dirt Royalty #3 – FOR THE LOVE OF A COWGIRL, the six page synopsis for RDR#4 – LAST COWGIRL STANDING, blurbs for numbers 5 and 6 – MIDNIGHT COWGIRL and THE COWGIRL WAY, plus a pitch for a new series I can’t quite talk about yet. I will say that I’m loving the characters in LOVE A COWGIRL. Clay, the oldest Barron son and a US Senator, is showing more depth than I thought he’d have at this stage in his story and Georgie Dryfus, his heroine might think she’s the mousy librarian type but she has a wicked sarcastic bent–especially when aimed at herself. I LOVED writing the chapter in her POV.

In other Red Dirt news, I have the typeset copy for COWGIRLS DON’T CRY. This is close to the final stage before it goes to printing. I’m still waiting to reveal the cover copy and I’m so blasted excited I can barely contain it! I. Love. It! I’ve filled out the art sheets for THE COWGIRL’S LITTLE SECRET, book #2 and it’s on track for a spring, 2015 release. Which is a huge YAY!

TV: OMGOMGOMGOMG! I LOVED OUTLANDER! Still not sure if I’ll read the book but I adored the premier and have only one thing to say: It was too short! And I have to wait until next week for the next installment. Okay, that was two things but you get my drift! One other thing, I want the soundtrack. I want Jamie. Or at least the actor who plays him. The scene with the Druids at the standing stones was visually stunning and Claire is made of awesome. Frank? Frank I’m not too sure about yet. (Frank is Claire’s husband in the “modern” timeline–modern in that it’s just after the end of World War II). But I can already declare that Claire belongs with Jamie. *deep feminine sigh* #JamieFraserFan 😆

Reading: I’m still reading contest entries so not at liberty to discuss, though one really caught my eye and I’ll be reviewing it even if it doesn’t win. I also downloaded a book titled KING’S by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff for free and gave up and paid for the second book. I think it’s a trilogy, it’s dark, there’s a trace of magic, King is mysterious, and reviewers have compared it to DARKFEVER by Karen Marie Moning, which I haven’t read it yet. It’s on my Kindle. Just…time–and fear of getting sucked into another series. If you are looking for something offbeat and dark but still with some possible romance, you might check it out.

Writing: This week, barring any unforeseen problems (unlike LAST week!), I plan to get back to work on BLUE MOON, the next Moonstruck book. Yes, I hear the cheering. What are y’all gonna do when I run out of Wolves? With any luck at all, I’ll have BLUE out early in the fall. After that, we’ll just see which set of characters demand the most attention.

And last week? The AC went out at the kids’ house. You do NOT want to be in Oklahoma in August with no AC and a baby. They moved down here for a few days and I ended up babysitting Magic Sprout. He was fussy which put a crimp in my attention span and writing. I’ve forgotten how to “momma multi-task” and type with one hand. 😆 That said, I’m the one who invited them to stay because that’s what families do, right? Exactly! But I was very happy see them go home after dinner last night. 😉

So what about y’all? How was your weekend?

About Silver James

I like walks on the wild side and coffee. Lots of coffee. Warning: My Muse runs with scissors. Author of several award-winning series--Moonstruck, Nightriders MC, The Penumbra Papers, and Red Dirt Royalty (Harlequin Desire) & other books! Purveyor of magic, mystery, mayhem and romance. Lots and lots of romance.
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17 Responses to Monday – The First Day of the Rest of the Week

  1. We’ve had some nice showings at the old house, had a repeat visit a young couple so we will keep our fingers crossed.
    Had dinner with my uncle and his partner Friday night for my b-day and he made me the family fave cake which takes a lot of work and his health is not good, that made it more special. Was semi productive*pats self on back*this weekend.
    Read Heather-Killough Walden “Warrior Angel” book 4 on the tablet, treated me to a Barnes and Noble visit Sat forget it was tax free weekend, so parking lots were crazy!
    Heat is miserable, I will be glad for cooler temps.
    Damn girlie you and Iffy have been in warp factor*claps on a wolf book*
    TThat’s about it from my neck of the wood, have a great day Silver =)

    • Silver James says:

      Yay on a second look see by that couple! Here’s hoping they put in an offer. Your uncle sounds like a lovely man. What a sweetie! Okay, will have to look up Walden’s series. I have 75 pages left on the typeset copyedits on COWGIRLS and then I’m diving in to BLUE MOON. Can’t wait to visit with the Wolves again. *happy dances*

  2. Sorry. Anal me had to turn off the italics. (Here’s hoping it worked.)

    Yes, it is Monday. And I have to keep reminding myself because it doesn’t feel like Monday. Where did the weekend go? Bleh. Anyway, YAY for lots of potential future books coming out. I hope HEd likes your proposals and stuff. I can’t wait to read them all and see them on the shelves and be able to point to one in Walmart and say ‘See her? She’s my friend.’ =o)

    And yes, I’m cheering for the next Moonstruck. When you finish, I’ll just read whatever you come up with next.

    I don’t even want to think about being AC-less in OK in the summer. Or here. Or pretty much anywhere. Been there, done that – and now I’m spoiled and can’t live without AC. I’m so glad the kids got it fixed and can be home. i know how much you love them and love being with them, but I also get the whole ‘they need to be in their own place’ thing. Back to being just you and LG and the pets. =o)

  3. Ashlynn says:

    Again, you make my head spin with everything you do. You are amazing!

    And I totally get wanting your space back even though you love them. But that’s what family should do. Help each other. You’re a good mom and g-ma.

    Okay, Outlander…where do I even start???? I re-read the book in anticipation of this series and *sighs* Jamie is perfect! I pictured him a lil bit bigger than on tv, but other than that, YAYS! I read this back in 1991 when it came out and have read it several times since. I haven’t read the entire series (to book 4 I think) but I think I will buy book two. This book inspired me to write my first….a time travel. haha!

    Been sick since Fri, still am, so no words but hoping for some later today or tomorrow. I’m so close to done ya know.

  4. Liza says:

    I was at AAD in Charlotte pretty much all last week. After recovering from motion sickness from driving through the mountains on Tuesday, I had a really great time with friends and authors.

    I watched Outlander before I left town and enjoyed it, but since I had never read the books, nor do I plan on it, I didn’t get all the hype. I’ll watch other episodes if they show up on Encore each week, since I don’t have Starz. I did like the guy playing Jamie, tho I wish they had introduced all the characters by name, which I guess I could have missed.

    • Silver James says:

      Nope. You didn’t miss introductions. 😛 You’ll just have to pick them up along the way like Claire is having to do. I think it’s a plot device, like having the Scots speak Gaelic with no subtitles–to give the viewer the same sense of alienation and “outsider” feeling she has. I loved the series but then I’d watch for the music alone. I’m sure the hype is more from the rabid fans–sort of like an In Death series (for me, you, and some others) or Black Dagger series (for you) would create frenzy. I’ll be right there come Saturday night!

    • Silver James says:

      Oh, and ugh on the motion sicknes. Boo! Yay for the awesome time at AAD, though! Maybe I’ll get to go next year. *crosses fingers*

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